Flooring in the Winery & Brewery Industry
There are estimated to be 2361 wineries, and about 400 breweries across Australia. Australia exported 729 million litres of wine in 2019-20, valued at $2.8 billion (FOB). Every year, wineries and breweries across Australia invest millions into replacing concrete floors due to corrosion damage. Polyurethane cements and epoxies provide a long-lasting solution to this need, protecting the concrete, and standing up to acids and chemicals which typically corrode concrete floors.
Recommended SteriFloor Solution
Due to the corrosive nature of liquids at wineries and breweries, we recommend our SteriFloor Beschützen product. This is a polyurethane cement system, with high chemical and acid resistance. It can stand up to high traffic volumes, as well as constant liquids, without corroding.
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